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Taban Khajehnassiri

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You Can Learn From Your Past
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

STOP Questioning Yourself, You Are A Valued Human. You Can Manage Your Mind, Your Thoughts. You Can Learn From Your Past. START THE LEARNING PROCESS.

It is so hard, I know. You want and you need to think about your present, but your mind start to think past. It is an unexpected habit of our mental process: Thinking about the past, our yesterday, owr last week, our last year, our childhood etc. Yes, it is true, your mind wants to travel to the past, to re-evaluate and rediscover your previous experiences and your memories. It is all in vain. Past is past. It is NOW that matters, and you have to learn about this, you have to recognize it and you have to work it out somehow.

How can we stop thinking about the past? It is the question, many of you may ask yourself. And here, I would like to bring it up as an interesting topic. Why do you want to think about your past. You may say : Hey ... I don't want, I don't want to think about my past although some of my past happenings are good enough that I do want to review". You start thinking about your good memories but suddenly you loose control opver your brain and you continue reviewing your bad or failed ones. How can you stop it, moving your thinking process from good ones to those ones you do not want to think about? You will say I don't know. And now I am going to tell you how. In one word, let me say we cannot stop thinking about the past, but I say we can control and manage our thinking towards a wealth of good things.

First of all let me tell you something, actually, I believe, it is not always a bad sort of thing to think about the past, sometime you just have to sit down and relax, thinking about those good / bad old days. You have to do this from time to time, to see your path from the above. In this way, you are able to review and refresh your memories, re-evaluate your previous struggles, your problems, your obstacles and remember your own solutions at the time. It will provide you with the power to continue what you have started a long long time ago, when you were young. However, you have to find yourself, you have to gain control over your own power of thinking. Manage to keep your thinking on the path. You must keep yourself on the path which is right for you. You must think positive to achieve your own objectives and goals. Thus, it is a waste of time to think about those old bad happenings and memories, towards which your mind automatically tends to move. Questioning ourselves, our happiness, our fulfillment, our success, our achievement and where we're moving ahead is the mental process that is true for all of us. We are questioning many aspects of our life, our work and our relationships with others all the time, and it is also true that we all want to reach a better situation. Admit that the whole process of thinking about the past will cause for each of us some sort of mild depression, thinking about the past and those things and goals we all wanted to achieve but we failed somehow.

Thinking about the past will leave you with some sort of sadness. I know and I believe, but WHY? Because you somehow begin to question yourself if you are really satisfied with who you were and/or who you are, where you were and/or where you are in your own life and work, the time is passing so rapidly and you think to yourself : "Am I really satisfied with what I have and/or what I am?" And you will question yourself if you are truely satisfied with what you have achieved over years and the path you have taken towards your own dreams and objectives, the direction your life has been headed for what or how your own business has been handled (by you or by someone else - left you with the feeling of a victim for years). I can see ... While you were reading this, you were thinking about your own good (or propably bad and sad) memories, with your spouse, with your children, with your colleagues and your neighbors, while you were working with your computer and being connected to the net, and in both cases, suddenly you begin thinking about those sad things happened yesterday, last week or last year, and then you start feeling moody, angry or sad. You start wispering or talking to yourself saying or questioning yourself: Why? Why? Why? Why should I loose control? Why should this happen to my life, to my friendship, to my marriage, to my own career and my own life?


When you are thinking about your past, stop judging yourself, stop feeling sad or moody, Start learning from them. Outline your thoughts (Start with Sad and Happy Endings) write them all down and focus on your happy memories, learn more and recognize your best steps, forget about the results of those bad things, try to learn more from those sad endings for your now and future, leave them all and move ahead to learn much more from your experiences, your past and present. Try to gain a more positive thinking about your life and work while you are thinking about your past time. Review your outline, concentrate on your success rather than your failures. And believe me you can find the best things you've always wanted over the years: Your happiness, your success and your TRUE LOVE: Your Own life and Your Own carrier.

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