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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

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Why Hate E-Mails? Criticize!
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

Why Sending Out Hate Mails? Why Using Anonymous Send Mail Programs Or Services? Why Choosing Bad Subjects And Bodies For E-mails. Talk About Your Views, Your Needs, Your Attitudes. Criticize In The Right Way!

"Hi the jerk weed! That was a real cheap article, it shows that you would do anything to gain attention. I hate your kind"

On 24 May 2001, I received an e-mail with the above line (only) as in the body, from an unknown sender. unfortunately, I couldn't find the title of that article - my so-called cheap article! I couldn't realize the sender, and I couldn't find his/her signature at the bottom of the e-mail. I couldn't learn more from it but this very topic for my own article. What do you think about it? Personally, it was so interesting to me because when I first opened the e-mail and read it, I said to myself: Hey Taban! it is really great ... you just received one of your first hate (E-)mails and it shows that you are on the road to success more than ever. There are many of them, let's say a number of these unknown Internet users out there who can just send you or other net users, web business owners or webmastrers such e-mails containing such words and phrases. And speaking as an author, I believe, such e-mails are somehow of value for authors like me on the net who are looking for interesting topics to write about. These individuals and their actions are true subject matters and topics for us to write about the real world in the virtual communities.

When I read the above e-mail, I found just another good topic for just another article, and I decided to feature it - the whole body of the e-mail - as just another comment by an unknown sender, let's say an unknow person even though he/she might have used a robot to send his/her kindness using the best communicating service of the Internet which basically have been envisaged for better as well as faster understanding and communication among people of the world. I thought he/she I mean the sender of that hate mail is somehow right about gaining attention from my site's visitors, readers and subscribers. It is all my ultimate job to find new ways towards increasing the number of my site's repeat visits, my prospects, my readers and my subscribers. I have to work harder than this, to write more than this, to send out newsletters and advertise more than this. I have to study, read and survey all the required information, I need to think, think, think and I must plan, plan and plan, then I have to perform, precisely close to what I have planned and I should review the feedback, communicate, cooperate and coordinate things involved. I have to learn, learn and learn.

It sounds really interesting, yes ... to achieve my goals and my targets, I would do my best to reach my goals and target audience and this is the right path I believe I have taken.

We want success, all of us and we all have to do our best. Sometimes, we take the right direction and since we are all human beings, we may go wrong and make mistakes. We do need feedback from our audience, we do need to be criticized, to learn more and more.

Why Sending Out Hate Mails? Why using anonymous send mail programs or services? Why choosing bad subjects and/or bodies for e-mails. talk about your views, your needs, your attitudes. Criticize in the right way. I am writing this part of the article addressing those of net users who may choose to use hate mails. To criticize, start naming and elaborating the right directions, the right actions and measures, praising the right attitudes, thoughts and ideas, Then you can mention the shortcomings one by one and bring up those notable mistakes and provide the target of your comments with numbers and figures, and with reasons as possible. At the end, you can provide your target of the criticism with some tips, hints and solutions. I know that writing a good criticism in brief is somehow hard for many net users even among those who are native speakers for English, and this is why they may use hate mails just like what I have inserted above as real one which I received personally.

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