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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

are more than 20 years old, this shows How historical the site is ...

Prehistoric Man
Lived Before Web Was Invented!!

By: Taban Khajehnassiri

With the cartoon caption accompanying this article "Prehistoric Man Lived Before Web Was Invented", I do not intend to insult any of my readers, subscribers and net users using head-sets while getting connected to or using the Internet as well as any of these (large number of)so-called (old /) Modern Prehistoric Men before or even after the invention of the web!

How can you say that this good-looking modern prehistoric man - I have cartooned here - is "disgusting"? Why should I not tell you the truth, even when I know that many people (specially the current net users) know, understand and accept the truth which is somehow unpleasant. Yes the picture is beautiful, better to say good-looking, not because I have cartooned it, but because it is small - in size, and small is beautiful. Before criticizing him (the character I have designed) or me (the designer), perhaps you should try to think twice, I am not talking about the prehistoric man himself, here I am only talking about the picture I have placed on this page which shows a simple thought I wanted to write about and the fact that it loads much more faster than any of those killing Flash animations insulting you as the viewer of the page by exceeding your waiting threshold as an ordinary human being who is just looking for that most wanted and pure - almost always FREE - information, views, comments, attitudes and news on the net, not the professionalism of the designer. Yes modern prehistoric man is still around, he cease you, tease you and waste your (or corporates') time and money.

It is not the time of Stone Age communities. Believe me! It is not the age of working with tools made of stone or even bronze. People do not use those light and sharp enough harpoons and arrows to fly and kill animals (or unfortunately each other in wars). People are now getting connected to the net, they use electronic devices and programs. They use the Internet, websites and e-mails. Some of them do not seek animals to kill. But most of them wish to kill your invaluable time and money, for nothing. It is the time we use advanced tools and media, we use robots, we use fiber optics, we use satellite links, we use the Internet, computers and wireless devices to achieve more information as well as a better understanding and communication. It is the age of electronic commerce, credit cards, and the Information Technology. But alas. In the age of IT, we see how fragile we are ... we see the modern prehistoric man - as I call him - around.

Prehistoric Man used stone tools to fight and defend himself in situations of danger. Prehistoric man lived ages ago before the era he decided to be recognized as the Civilized Man. Then, began the time of bronze, the time of using tools made of Iron. And he invented many things, the language out of some babble sounds, the way of writing and communicating with smoke and drums, then he tried those light and sharp enough harpoons and arrows to fly and kill, he used animals to travel faster, he used birds to post his mails, he used the land, cultivated it and planted his food, he used air and water to survive, and he used them all up and wise. Gradually, he evolved and developed. he began to learn more and more, travel more and more, teach more and more. He was yet another prehistoric man lived before web was invented although he was using post, telegraph, and telephone as well as satellite connections as his communicating and/or broadcasting tools. He was yet another prehistoric man lived on this planet because he could not live with others in peace and harmony. He saw two major World Wars and many other regional disputes and fights, he was yet another modern prehistoric man. Then it was the era of the Internet and the web invented.

Take a look at some of the recent headlines news agencies and broadcasters say and write daily. Read the recent newspapers in print, read about the recent bloody wars here and there, hear the sound of blasting bombs in shopping centers, malls and cars, receive hate mails and viruses online, download sex and violence easily wherever you are on the net, and you can find this typical modern prehistoric man online.

In the long run, you can see the man, offline and online. He chose to use the Internet to spoil your time and money with his poor web design by using pages loading with heavy Flash Clips, Wave format sound files, large animated gifs, poor copy and text in language. He is turning to the web to spam others with junk e-mails, with viruses and hate mails. He is now using the Internet to give fun, joke, happiness, and love a bad name. He starts and maintain electronic wars, he aims at decent people and decent sites with his electronic harpoons and arrows. Although he is modern, he is the same old prehistoric man. And now unfortunately, he even decides to live happily ever after, after the web was invented.

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