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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

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Message In A Bottle: Save Our Sites
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

At WEBFAQT.COM we have learned one reason small business sites prefer to shut down or give up what they have started out of nothing, is that they are simply being ignored by their target audience.

I hope that someone gets my ... I hope that someone gets my ... Message in a bottle ... " (*)

On waves, I could see monitors were curling over and breaking on the shore. Another monitor depicting another website, with a big S.O.S message on its screen reached to the shore. I thought I was the only one who sent an S.O.S message out to the world. But now, I can see a hundred billion monitors here and there washed up on the shore showing this very message: Save Our Sites!

It's no longer necessary to visit a site that is a small business, right? No, wrong! Never visit these one-man-show websites on the net, they are all jerks without capital! Right? No, again wrong. At WEBFAQT.COM we have learned one reason small business sites prefer to shut down or give up what they have started out of nothing, is that they are simply being ignored by their target audience.

Believe me, it is a pity that the world, particularly some of the big guys in the Information Technology Business has forgotten somehow that they all have started their business small and I remember now I wrote about it in one of my articles "Start Small", there I made it clear that we small business owners have to keep up our work to succeed, but what would you do when and with the fact that in the process of handling a small business (site) you will encounter this fact that you will be ignored sooner or later only because of the immediate decision you make to give up and shut down your online and/or offline business as a result of not receiving any warm support from your target prospects their invaluable feedback you deserve to know. All I want to say is that it is totally up to you to give up or keep up your online or offline small business as a result of bad feedback or partly failures, but it is time to think twice, you need positive attitudes, more confidence, more knowledge as well as experience to stand upon them and stay where you are, as firmly as possible and as other big guys in the business. In case, you can send out your message in a bottle, throw it to this sea of information and communication - the Internet - and ask for help. I hope that someone gets your message in a bottle.

There are so many sites out there on the Internet, many of them small businesses. They all want success. However, in the challenge of increasing the number of their visitors, their potential customers and prospects, selling more of their products and services, paying back their loans and meeting their own expenses, they may fail. But they have to keep up to be recognized someday as successful ones. There must be no shame in asking help, in sending out such S.O.S messages to the world on and off the Internet.

Somewhere in the world, somewhere in the Cyberspace, a webmaster is alone now staring at his or her monitor, a cyber venture is looking for another home, a good home, with more visitors and prospects, a web investor is just another castaway in an island lost at the sea of information. They are all among a hundred billion castaways looking for a home, with all their loneliness. They just walked out this morning, and they didn't believe what they saw, a hundred billion monitors washed up on the shore, it sounds they are not alone at being alone. Again another monitor reached to the shore. There are a hundred billion monitors here and there signaling this very message: Save Our Sites!

Now how to send this S.O.S message to the world:

You can also paint a big S.O.S on the screen surface of one of your old monitors and send it out to the sea.

"Rescue me before I fall into despair ..." (*)

(*)From The Song Lyric: Message In A Bottle - Sting

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