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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

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Human Beings Under Attack
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

Both towers of the World Trade Center in New York collapsed. Two hijacked planes, reportedly filled with passengers, crashed into each tower of the WTC, bringing them down as people were all in attempts to save their lives from windows and on the streets.

The tragic events of tuesday, September 11, 2001, were truly horrible. Americans and people of the world, around this planet, the world we were supposed to live in peace, friendship and harmony, watched it in deep silence, all with the same reaction, covering the mouth with their right or left hand and with tears in their eyes online or offline, on the scene or off the scene. Yes, it was truly horrible and as some have said it, surreal. Believe me, now while I am just thinking about it and writing it, my hands are shaking, my heart is beating too fast and I just want to start crying this tragedy.

Both towers of the World Trade Center in New York collapsed. Two hijacked planes, reportedly filled with passengers, crashed into each tower of the WTC, bringing them down as people were all in attempts to save their lives from windows and on the streets. Towers, filled with people at their work, firemen and policemen who were just there attempting to rescue those trapped civilians in horrible smoke and fire, collapsed. I was here in Tehran, watching it, the tragedy, on TV, and I just couldn't believe it, however, I could feel the volume of smoke over there, I was breathing that, I could feel the hell of debris on my shoulders, but I couldn't bear that unbearable tragedy. I found myself in the 5th Avenue, looking at the towers in fire and thinking to myself: "Hey man! some days ago, you wrote about these Prehistoric Men and their Acts, such terrorist attacks, do you remember? Now answer me, how could they do this to people and their loved ones?" Then, my dreams washed up and I found I wasn't there in New York, I was here in Tehran, and I could see and feel my hands were shaking while I was watching it on TV, just watching and staring in disbelief: How could they do this to our world, to human beings? That was not just "America under attack", that was, I believe, "Human beings under attack".

At webfaqt.com my thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims.

Some helpful links for finding additional information on where to make donations of money, food, clothing or blood for the hurt and survivors, maybe the only way we, as human beings, can cope with the tragedy worldwide.


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