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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

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It Won't Be Easy
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

Turn up the lights, I don't want to go home in the dark.

O. Henry - 1862-1910

Every father knows and every mother knows how hard it is to let the kids surf the net free from any fears and worries regarding some satanic sites and their materials. …

I know it won't be easy. Every website owner knows concerning the online world it takes time, effort and hard work on a unique product and/or a valuable service to build traffic for a website, make money and create a life-time credibility. Every Internet user knows nowadays with this expansion of the Internet and information sites how difficult it is to find the needed but reliable information, news, reports and surveys on the net, with regard to the huge results one can get from a simple search query in any given (Meta) Search Engines and directories. Every father knows and every mother knows how hard it is to let the kids surf the net free from any fears and worries regarding some satanic sites and their materials. Everybody knows how sad it is to be a victim of sad news and all these spreading viruses and hoaxes, Spams and hate e-mails on the net.

May God help us as site owners to find and manage our limited and short time so wisely, to try and make proper efforts towards our sound dreams and goals, to work harder and harder than this to build this world a better place to live, to build and keep the web clean, educational and informational, to manufacture our products with the highest quality and free from any need to be replaced, maintained or supported someday in case of malfunctionings, to serve and provide the people of our countries and the world with better (cultural, educational and informational) services. May Lord help us as Internet users to use the net wiser and much more thoughtful, fruitful and practical than this, to ride on this information highway safer and faster than this, and may the Higher Power bless all of us as human beings to keep this world all free from any fears, tears, wars and terrorist attacks, all the peoples of the world in peace and harmony, with all brothers and sisters, with any religion or faith in God, throughout the world, with parents and children, for a better future and for the years and centuries to come. I know it won't be easy. It takes time, effort, hard work and a concrete commitment.

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