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Taban Khajehnassiri

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I Want A Website …
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

Kids of the current generation grow up in the era of satellite mobile phones. They are learning to use computers and the Internet faster and faster, they are just building up their own websites first using the Free Web Host Companies, then they are turning to register their own domain names. They are now somewhere in the world of cyberspace launching their own online store, they are now independent.

"Dad, you see, it is not a toy, not any more, I just want a website, that's all ... you know? I need it for my own future, I have to build it up someday, so let me start it today, when I am younger, when I am braver, when I am ... er ... just er ... a beginner, Dad, for everything. Please Dad ... "

How can you resist? How can you say 'No Kid! You Don't Understand ... You Don't Need That Toy Now'? Yes, it's right. it's no longer a toy man, it's the future for our next generations. You see, at present, we live in the age of information, we, furthermore, live in the era of Broadband, satellite TV, Radio and Internet links and WebTV. We live on this planet, now even virtually, we communicate faster than 15 or 50 years ago, we leave our voice messages on answering machines, we send our electronic text and/or voice mails. We purchase our goods via the net, now we sell our products and services via our websites, and you see, Dad! we live in 2001. What will be the next trends of the net? What will be the next tools, softwares and hardwares of the future, say in five years, 10 years, 20 years and beyond? We live in this era and we can not accept it is real somehow though it is virtual at the same time. It is still unbelievable to us that we can take pictures digitally, we can use chips instead of tapes, we can save large amount of datas on Compact Disks, Read Only Memories.

Believe it or not, we have to prepare ourselves for just another turning point in the information age. Kids of the current generation grow up in the era of satellite mobile phones. They are learning to use computers and the Internet faster and faster, they are just building up their own websites first using the Free Web Host Companies, then they are turning to register their own domain names. They are now somewhere in the world of cyberspace launching their own online store, they are now independent. Using the online facilities and opportunities, they can make money more than their parents. What has come over this world?! They play online, they have more fun and entertainment on the net, they send e-mails, their pictures, they chat and cheat, they make friends, they are those little human beings on the web, growing up so fast, learning so rapid and finding their own way wisely or otherwise. They are now using computers most of their time, they watch TV rarely - that is really good for them - and they are connecting to their world of future. Kids of today vary from the kids of yesterday. They are going to be alert and also confused as they may learn from their parents. Act wisely, in case of your kids. Teach them how to use these new technologies properly. Instead of answering their simple or hard questions guide them to go online and search the net, instead of asking them 'what or what for questions' ask them the why questions! Ask them to think and really let them think. It is their own future.

Believe that they can find themselves, their own path, their own way, and they can surely reach to their own goals. If you let them grow wise they will certainly consult with you as parents, teachers, instructors or even friends. Let the kids learn about your own experiences of the developing cyberspace. They will listen to you, and they will ask you questions of 'How' type. You notice them and they will notice you as their own patterns. If a father surf the net just for fun, sex, gamble or much more entertainment, how can he stop his kids, or instruct them to watch themselves, behave right and pay attention to moralities? I and many many other writers throughout the world - in the past or even just right now - have always said our life is a game by itself, it's a game of give and take, teach and learn, trial and error in some way, therefore, be a good father, a good mother, a good instructor, a good teacher, and let the kids grow the way you become proud of them.

The little kid wants a website? Start by asking him(/her) the 'Why' questions. Why do you want to go online? Why do you want to have a website? Why do you want to sell your things online? Why do you want to pace with the new trends of the technology?Ask kids to think first very well and ask them to think twice, then teach them to write down their reasons, then their goals, one by one. Instruct them to be self-taught and innovative. In such an environment, the kid provides you with that right and great idea for which you die for! - By Taban Khajeh Nassiri - President.

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