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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

are more than 20 years old, this shows How historical the site is ...

Strangers In The Chat, Exchanging Glances
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

People of the world are totally strangers, but they all have the desire to reach that understanding needed, to establish trust and maintain the dialogue. And they need to understand each other, look Around and be alert, believe in their abilities, build trust with others, move ahead, make things fruitful and mutual, and keep up what they have started.

The Article "Strangers In The Chat, Exchanging Glances" first appeared in the WWN's issue of SEP 30 2000 and has been found one of the most successful, featured and wanted articles by Taban. Many websites and Ezines featured the article since its release on Webfaqt.com.

" Something In Your Eyes / Was So Inviting ... / Something In Your Smile / Was So Exciting ... / Something In My Heart / Told Me I Must Have You ... " (*)

Strangers are all around. People of the world are all strangers. And you may recall the last scene of the movie "Forest Gump"! Just forget about what you are going to say to your little child, the first day of school: "Don't talk with strangers!" - Oh Yes, I strongly believe that we are all strangers, strangers in the day, in the mid-day and in the night, and it's all natural. Peace, friendship and love are all around, just a glance away. These are beautiful and exciting. These are all inviting. But on this planet, we have seen many wars. War is not what we see at movies, it's all ugly and painful, and it's just for those who want to be and remain strangers, perfect strangers and forever. But - I think - there is another solution towards it and that is building up relationships and friendships. Doing business, on and/or off the Internet, can be an excuse, a good one, for the peoples of the world, to establish and maintain what we do need for the rest of our lives and our future generations. In order to maintain peace and love on this green and blue planet, we have to think endlessly, work hard and we have to cooperate first to build up what is called trust and then keep this World Wide Heart - that is a real media - beating.

People of the world are totally strangers, but they all have the desire to reach that understanding needed, to establish trust and maintain the dialogue. And they need to :

1- Understand each other. People have different attitudes, expectations and even possibilities. They have to understand these things and even much more. They have to learn and understand that they are strangers, but here there is no need for disputes and even wars. They have to remove the barrier of language by using new technologies and that's under way anyway hopefully. On the net, using simple words, phrases and sentences works, making it easy to contact you and buy from you are essential.

2- Look Around. People have to be alert. They have to look for new opportunities, new prospects, potential clients and customers, and (even new friends, new colleagues, new employees etc.) They have to look around and see every thing in details, to be aware of new and sudden changes in their (living or working) environment.

3- Believe. People have to believe that the deal (the peace, the friendship or the love - even the money) is just a glance away and believe that they can do it. They just have to look around and send the signal out, send out their first hellos - and little did they know how it's working.

4- Build trust. Strangers remain strangers if they do not take measures, they do not trust each other. People need to establish the trust. They must have something in their eyes inviting and something in their smiles exciting. That's the rule just like firm shake hands. Smile, smile, smile. That's a new project for your today. Wherever you go, smile and even on the phone or when you are online, smile. I am writing all these lines, all with my smile just like this :) and I know that it works and you understand what I mean.

5- Move ahead. The first step is very important, people have to take it anyway if they are going to take the longest roads. they have to take a deep breath and move forward to start something. That can be a negotiation, a big deal. Sales letters in business, they are just starting something and will be filed for future use. Better letters (phone calls or fax messages or e-mails) sell more.

6- Make things fruitful and mutual. In business (On and Off the Internet) every thing must be constructed interactive, cooperative and mutual. This is why, people have to look for the win-win negotiations. They just have to exchange glances, both (or all) sides have to exchange something. Affiliate programs, banners and links on the Internet are good examples of what we are doing properly.

7- Keep up. People have to keep up what has been started. They have to follow up their requests, their e-mails, their trips, their schedules. etc (They have to keep their peace, their friendships, their loves.) Yes, ever since that (night), that meeting, that chat we had on the net, we've been together, lovers, partners, sister companies, and whenever we feel we are still strangers, we plan to make our relationships stronger. We stay tuned with our favorite channel, web site or newsletter. And that's again mutual. They ask questions and wait for the reply. They should receive their reply.

(*) Lyrics From The Song Called "Strangers In The Night"

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