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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

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You Can Reach Your Goals
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

On and off the Internet, in case of any kind of businesses, you'll see, successfull individuals have started their projects small. Why don't we do the same?

After all, we are all looking for the betterment of our life. Talking about life, I mean each and every single aspect of life.

Suppose that you did know where you were heading before your birth. You chose to be the person you are now, you chose your own family, your own mother and father, the environment, country, city and even the street of your place of birth. Suppose it this way and you can simply feel much more better, you won your life as a gift. Suppose that it was your ultimate goal to be alive (maybe once again) and God gave you this opportunity once again to travel to this planet. you did it, you know? You did reach your first goal being a human, a boy or a girl. You became a human being. You succeeded the 'present' of your life, your first success. Keep on riding on your road of success.

Believe me you can do it. You can reach your goals and your success if you choose to be the winner.

To reach you goals, you have to know where you are just starting from and heading to, what you do want (from the bottom of your heart or desire to reach for, which path you should take to ensure your success and how fast you need to ride to reach your goals on time.

Plan your goals and write them down for your own reference for future as documents. Trust your own capabilities and learn more from your own environment: family, friends and the society you live with. Consider all your possibilities and look at your options from the above, Choose the path you think it is right for you feel responsible about what you have selected among others. Move ahead, don't look back as far as you can. Learn from your past! Schedule your time and set a timetable, with numbers and figures, your objectives must be clear, categorized to some short term and long term objectives. Make sure you tick your to-do-list and the successful points. Then you have to talk about your goals and success for those other fellows you have trusted over years you have been heading with, towards your goals.

Born once again, everyday ... Be happy ... Everyday, once again as a new born kid, you need to breathe, first you may fall, sit up and try standing up again, you have to find your hands, your legs, recognize your own shadow, get much closer to yourself, find yourself and realize your knowledge and experiences, move your hands and sometimes you have to shake a leg, then move ahead, use your know-hows, your talents, and focus on your objectives, take care and know your goals, move constantly and with care towards your goals. With every single breath you take ... set a new but short term goal for the next seconds or minutes you are gifted. Move ... move ... move .... there is always a new project out there. Be innovative and creative, you can reach your goals.

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