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Taban Khajehnassiri

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Start E-mail Marketing! Stop Spamming Me!
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

This article will show you how important is the usage of E-Mail as a service of the Internet towards E-Mail Marketing. Do not Spam, Start your E-mail marketing.

On the Internet, there are several companies that specialize in the field of E-mail Marketing. But what is this E-mail Marketing anyway? Building up a good relationship with those who are interested in subjects related to your product or service can be considered as one of your goals in following a strategy in creating traffic for your web site. At the very first glance, it sounds that E-Mail Marketing is just sending out E-Mails to a large number of E-Mail accounts (individuals or corporates) on the net to present a product or a service and find new prospects and/or visitors for your web site and company, but it is not, it is spamming. If you send out E-Mails to those who do not want to receive them, you are doing Spam, - however, as long as you include contact information and a remove link, it can not be considered as Spam - but, you know that it can hurt the image of you, your web site and the company.

That is not the way of marketing your site or product online, with this you are just creating a negative image from yourself in the public eye and on the side of your audience. Let your potential client find you and ask you for materials you are about to send and advertise. You can create a newsletter with a given intersting subject, let them freely subscribe or unsubscribe your newsletter. You can participate in dicussion groups, newsgroups that are related to your product and send e-mails for asking questions, teaching, helping someone or informing them by something really new or value-added to individuals and with e-mails you are sending out, you can advertise your site or products. Creating a signature file that is related to your product or service also followed with a link to your site will get traffic. And this way you are E-mail Marketing. Yes, There are companies that specialize in E-mail Marketing. YesMail http://www.yesmail.com/ is one of them. You can do a search for "Direct Marketing", "E-Mail Marketing", or a like term on one of the major search engines for a list of others. Yahoo! has a very good and large section on Internet Marketing and Advertising web sites. Start first to educate yourself about "Direct Marketing", "E-Mail Marketing", "Online/Offline E-Mail Distribution Programs" (For instance, www.eGroups.com is a great place to go for a newsletter distribution facility.) and specially the laws and regulations related to Spam. Anyway, if you want to start your own newsletter, In webfaqt.com, we recommend you to visit http://www.newslettercoach.com/, the site has lots of great information and might help you.

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