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Taban Khajehnassiri

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I Get My Inspiration From The Net
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

I am really happy that I can share with my own thoughts via these newsletters. I have also a MailBlog Mailing list by which I'll send some of my thoughts and ideas, interesting links I visit on the net. If you wish to receive my electronic flow of thoughts you may send a blank email to Subscribe_MailBlog@webfaqt.com - This Mailing list has more that 300 subscribers around the world up to the present time. Among my subscribers are writers and web editors. The newsletter is presented in English. Sometimes, people of this cyberplanet write to me to say simply a Hi or thanking me for what I have authored here or there, They ask me questions about me and how I feel these days, or what I do think about this and that, I write them a reply and I send my reply to my MailBlog Mailing List. Here is my recent mailblog to Angela and Fred F, Brandie from Germany, Roshanak, Susan, P K, Babak from Tehran, Helena F. R, Farnaz M., Parvaneh from Isfahan, Mehrdad from Tehran, Siavash O., Naader G., Hamidreza from Dubai, Saleh from Kuwait, Siamak from the USA, Elham and Mina from UK - who wrote to me for their kind appreciation of my recent article I Think I Know and I Have Enough of What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur.

You know, for writing articles and essays you need to be inspired, I get my inspiration from the net itself and I know I write for human beings not computers and networks. And this is why I feel great and happy when friends like write to me from time to time, thanking me about what I write or our the content of our newsletters.

Somehow, I think, the beauty of our world is that the fact that it's short, it's brief, it's fast and passing, but there is a long long challenge, a path to take. We are all invited t play the game, we have to like it somehow.

Once, I asked Fereydoon Moshiri, the great Iranian poet, that how do poets and writers see the world, how do they feel the words? He said you have to go higher and higher, you have to see things from above, very high level in which you can feel people and things around them the way they are, pure, magnificent and splendid. You have to be a plant, a tree, a branch of it, then your words come out to add and create a new world, a world of thoughts. At that time, I was only a teenager, we were walking on a path leading us to the shore of the Caspian Sea, he showed me and pointed out to the sky and continued, "I saw this great and deep blue line of sky as a river reaching out to the sea in one of my poems." At that time, I remembered the poem. Years passed by, I saw a movie called The Dead Poet Society and I saw that literature teacher asked his students to see the world, their environment differently from a new level while he was inviting his students to start looking at things from the top of his desk in the class. At that time, I was a student at Azad Uni. I remembered Moshiri. Somehow I was ahead for almost 10 years because of that thought he gave me when I was only a teenager. Thinking is a process, a hard and time consuming process, a process of asking questions and answering them, thoughts are results of the analysis we make, with articles and essays we document our thoughts and sometimes we put them in our drawers or in files, we keep them as a secret we have found, or simetimes we prefer to spread the words we have reached, the feelings we have experienced. You know what, it is now 3:20 AM in Tehran. It is dark and somehow cold outside, I am listening to Staying Alive by Bee Gees playing on and from a shortwave radio station. And I am writing and documenting this great moment. I press some keys on my keyboard and then I press a gray button on a page, this documented moment is being send to you: I am passing the ball to you, you are the one who has to go for a great goal and surprise the goalkeeper. And when you reach your goals, I can reach to the sky and cry out : "Wow! he/she did it! I knew it! I knew it!" - It's a game! We are playing it. To succeed we have to do our best, we have to learn and practice, we need to play it, we should endure, and when we reach the goul, we should keep up and keep looking ahead what we have strated over again to the end of the game.

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