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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

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I Will, Think, Understand, Plan, Do And Believe ...
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

According to surveys, people love to hear and read about success stories. In any kind of magazines, technical or even business magazines and newspapers, you can find a page or more, a column or something dedicated to such exciting stories, the stories of success, and this certainly shows how smart the concerned editors have been or are while they are focusing on their own materials to be released soon among their readers. ...

Oh Lord, I thank you, I succeeded.

And now I am writing this in my newsletter to let everyone know, to share it with all my friends.
According to surveys, people love to hear and read about success stories. In any kind of magazines, technical or even business magazines and newspapers, you can find a page or more, a column or something dedicated to such exciting stories, the stories of success, and this certainly shows how smart the concerned editors have been or are while they are focusing on their own materials to be released soon among their readers. They will and they desire to sell more and more, to find new customers or advertisers, so they think about it, they just imagine the next issue sold out, why? because they understand the needs of the people buying their magazines or newspapers, they understand the desires of their readers and this is why editors make plans, write down their new ideas on papers, select one or two of them and prepare themselves for the action. They do what they think will work out and they believe in what they are doing, because they have conducted some marketing surveys and have found their ideas good-looking to the public eyes. Yes, they are the winner in advance, because they could imagine their success even prior to feeling the desire in their hearts. But why does everyone love success stories, why does everyone buy success books, search the libraries and the Internet for related articles, tips and notes? What is the true and real meaning of success anyway? Months ago, I wrote in one of my editorials about success on the web, and you won't believe it if I let you know how many e-mails I received all of them asking me to write more on that topic. Are we really disappointed of spending our lives on and off the Internet? Are we lost or deserted in the middle of nowhere? Are we getting confused by the huge deluge of information, communication and new technologies? Why it is so that we need success? We are looking for what? Where? Who? And why? Business, just like any other things, is a game. It's the game of give and take, as love, it's a love. And we are playing it anyway, because we are alive, on this planet, and we have to. Yes, most people on and off the Internet want to win somehow, but the prize goes to the one who knows what he/she does want. People want to get rich, live in a beautiful home, eat fine meals, in fine restaurants while they are talking about the fine arts. They want to drive a nice car, wearing a nice tie, better at the back seat and talking about the nice words with the driver. They love to take a trip around the world, they prefer and want everything to be comfortable. They WANT IT ALL and They WANT IT NOW! Most stories of success are just based on a well-known term: Money. Being a fortunate one means getting rich in a short period of time, instantly and permanently. I personally think that, in the theme of a story of success, there must be something else far beyond the issue of money, although money by itself is literally important and almost always needed. Perhaps, being healthy in mind, body and the spirit is the most important aspect of living as a successful (human) being. In business, being busy and playing the game is joyful and exciting, with it you do understand that TIME is GOLD. It surely gives you the feeling of a winner when you find out that you have lost a little battle, and you are left with the idea that The Show Must Go On ... And with your efforts you may win the war.

Yes, I am writing about success. I have only visited my doctor to know how he is doing. Studies show that if you want to win, if you want to succeed, you have to consider these things, and remember that you are not the only one, it is a game, not everybody knows but everybody wants to be a winner:

A- You have to will, you have to have the desire to win, to succeed. When you are competing in sports, for instance in the Olympic Games, you have to motivate yourself to win. Forget about the spotlights, the reporters, cameras. You are here to win. On the Internet, forget about e-mails appreciating what you do or you are about to do. You need the motive and you need the desire to win. What to win? The Game! The game you are playing, to sell your products and services more and more, to receive more subscription requests for your FREE e-zine and so on.

B- Then you have to think, more and more, think that you are healthy, wealthy and wise in advance. Think that you are the winner, now, and then, think that you have achieved your goals, and then they are giving you the prize, the gold medal at the end. Think so and Thank God for that. That's the time you have to imagine the heat of the spotlight.

C- Understand. Understand what you are looking for. Understand what and why you are doing so. Understand where you are standing, where you are from and where you are going to go. Understand the means and the media you have in hands. Understand and know people you are dealing with, your friends, your customers, your prospects and even your competitors. Understand their own desires, thoughts and goals, their questions and problems. On the Internet ask them so that they will let you know and understand.

D- Plan, plan, plan. Prior to start anything, define everything as a new project for yourself and study more and more. Then you have to plan. Write down your ideas and plans on a piece of paper, draw lines, charts, graphs and develop what you have in mind as written documents. Try to gather more information and start the process of planning.

E- Now, when you have something documented in hand, you are ready for the implementation. Nike says : Just Do It. Take care of the feedback. Start with your own money and even if it is below zero, you can start building up relationships with those who have already achieved success, continue the process of learning and make new contacts. Be strong when you are doing something, when you are talking about your (future) plans. Here you are marketing what you have in hand, a product or a service, you are busy with your business firmly, you do not know how the time passed and now it's late you are just doing it. The success is so close to you, you can feel it, you can even smell it. You just received an e-mail from a prospect who is going to sign the contract, but late at night, you are dealing with your own business, that was obvious to you, you knew it that you are the winner.

F- Believe. Believe that what you are doing is great and right. Believe that you are the one with the confidence in the meeting. Believe that it works and you will see. Believe that you are strong enough who is to win this little battle and then the war. Believe in your employees and trust them, they will do their best as you do yourself. Believe your desires, thoughts, understanding, imaginations and plans and believe that you can handle it anyway.

G- And Gee, it's the G ... once again, back to the very first step, just like any project, you remember you have the desire to win, you have to think success, you understand the rules of the game, The FOUR Skills: LISTEN to other people, the successful ones, your own employees, your prospects and clients, READ their minds, their stories, right from their eyes. WRITE your own destiny by your hands, plan on papers. And finally TALK about your success wherever you are and you go.

I sincerely wish the success will come to you soon.

This article first published as the editorial of WWN September 23, 2000

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