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Taban Khajehnassiri

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Your Professional Electronic Mail
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

It is almost a disaster when you find out many net users think and consider Hotmail or Yahoo! Free Email providers and their online programs as the only way for sending and receiving their Email messages. If you are serious about using the Internet Services, you have to be serious user, a professional one if you are going to do business on the net.

What is the most important service or tool used on the net? What is the most important part of our daily activities on the Internet. What is our professional image on the net? What is that presents our professional face on the net. We, as net true users, have a set of clear answers to such questions: The Electronic Mail is the most important service that the Internet has provided us with, while we all know that The general layout, content and appearance of our email messages are of the most important part of our professional look and image on the Internet. Working professionally with all Internet services is now, I believe, both a must and a need at the same time. Electronic Mail Professionalism is a must for all net users, because we live in the age of speed and professional work. You may have noticed that I have not mention "information and modern technologies" to call this age we live in, since I believe, we now have access to a world wide information and technologies. Now the case is the matter of how fast and professional we are able to take advantage of our tools and these services made available throughout the world and the net by professional minds and peers.

On the Internet, you have to prepare yourself to use the most important tool of the net much more wisely. As a net user, you have to know the E-mail Basics first, then you need to learn more about it and get advanced degrees in using it widely, and after that you have to be a professional email user at the end of it finally.

The Electronic Mail is much faster than snail mail.It enables us to communicate with our friends, family members, prospects, site's visitors and customers almost instantly and perfectly, as we can include pictures, audio and video clips to our messages. It is really less expensive and with no need to mention all of them in this brief article, it can provide us with many facilities, features and benefits.

There are a number of Email Programs available on the Internet. Some of them are free online Programs presented by some (now) huge or small companies as a sort of Viral Marketing Strategy. Some are included in the Internet browsing packages such as the Microsoft's Outlook Express. At present, I believe, it is a must for Inetrnet users to explore,know and even master the features and benefits of their Email Programs specially their client programs. There are also standalone email programs available on the net such as Eudora which many Internet and Email experts and professionals have found that one of the best programs for organizing and filtering email messages.

It is almost a disaster when you find out many net users think and consider Hotmail or Yahoo Free Email providers and their online programs as the only way for sending and receiving their Email messages. Using an Email Program, Writing an email message may seem to many net users a simple task by taking advantage of these Free Email Providers, but in fact, it is not. By receiving and downloading each element of a web page has been sent in response to your request for viewing your inbox and/or your messages and also in case of any additional images such as those even small banners, flash presentations or slides, users are literally spending their online time and money all in vain. They read their messages online, they write replies and send their forwarding ones and copies to others while they are online, and they do not understand this is not the right way of using this great service of the Internet.

Now they use the email programs (free online / paid / installed by default clients. Now, I am asking you: What is the most important part of your Email message. Many of you may say instantly that is our body of Email message! Right? No. Wrong. The most important part of your Email is not that little signature at the bottom of the mail you are sending out to your friends or clients. The most important part of your Email message is that line you may leave blank sometimes or fill with hard to understand phrases such as FWD: FWD: FW: FW's ... or sentences followed by several question marks or dots. Believe me, many of your target audience never ever even try to open such messages even when see YOU and YOUR NAME as the sender of that Email message.

It is amazaing, It is really amazaing, in most cases, people consider it as simple as ABC to write an Email message and sending it to other people on the net. Yes, it is simple, so simple, but your message will be much more effective if you manage to learn more first and take action later.

This article first published electronically as an editorial of ALL-VISITORS NEWSLETTER - May 16, 2002.

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