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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

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You are great! Because you are unique
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

How old are we? Are we middle or upper class? What kind of work do we do? Where do we live? What are our interests, our hobbies, and our values? What kinds of challenges do we face in our daily lives that we want to and we have to answers them? Are we

You are the great one on this planet. Even on this network of networks when you just have a single E-Mail address. People can recognize you as one, one "person" behind a computer set, somewhere in the whole world. A person with his or her own thoughts, culture, and traditions. A person who is married or single. A person with his or her own standards. I just want to say: Hey you! behind that computer set, on this world wide whirlpool, you are GREAT, you are unique, you are beautiful and working and you are now my audience and you are not alone. Be a positive one and attract the positive ones.

Perhaps you are like me or I am like you. Let's discover who we are, why we are. So go ahead and create your own profile, I did it once and I found it for myself. Keep it when you found it, keep it first in your mind, then in your heart and after that share it with others, write it down on a piece of paper, you may publish it in print, you can then put it in a file on your computer, cut and paste it on your site on the net as an article and post it to others, to your friends, as your own sayings or beliefs, and this way you can see how incredible you are, your own qualities when you read them, you see them read by others or even when you think of them.

How old are we? Are we middle or upper class? What kind of work do we do? Where do we live? What are our interests, our hobbies, and our values? What kinds of challenges do we face in our daily lives that we want to and we have to answers them? Are we all business people? Are we all students? Let's see what kinds of newspapers do we read? What kinds of magazines do we but and read what kinds of articles? What kinds of radio shows do we listen to? What kinds of TV programs do we watch? And all in all what do we do with our own lives, with our own business or free time? What kinds of people do we like to meet? What kinds of events do we like to attend? Yes, It matter, but what matters them most is that we are all human beings, needing peace and friendship, love and care. Yes it is a game of give and take, start by giving your hearts, ENCOURAGE your friends and family members.

If you are happy I'm with you. Unhappy people I understand them, however, I don't want to push them to be happy, when there are wars and killings on this planet, but I want you to stay firm and happy as a human being even when you are under pressure, first with what you are, and then for what you may come to or who you may become. I have this saying that "Future" equals to the "Past" plus the "Present". Learn from your "Past" and deal with your "Present". Stay happy, a unique human being! wherever you are. From this moment on, begin to see the positive forces, thoughts and actions in your life.

This article first published electronically as an editorial of ALL-VISITORS NEWSLETTER - April 9, 2002.

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