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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

are more than 20 years old, this shows How historical the site is ...

The Internet Bottle
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

Do you remember that empty Coca-Cola bottle once tossed from an airplane and landed in an African desert in a movie called "The Gods Must Be Crazy"? I still have this picture in my mind almost in a haze. That bottle somehow disrupted the normal life of a tribe in the area, and bushmen called it "An Evil Thing" in the movie and threw it away.

Do you remember that empty Coca-Cola bottle once tossed from an airplane and landed in an African desert in a movie called "The Gods Must Be Crazy"? I still have this picture in my mind almost in a haze. That bottle somehow disrupted the normal life of a tribe in the area, and bushmen called it "An Evil Thing" in the movie and threw it away.

Since that time whenever I hear someone calls the Internet "A Bad Thing", I reload this very misty picture of that movie to my mind! Sometimes I ask myself what the difference is between the Internet and that Coca-Cola bottle! And I answer to myself that first "the Internet" is not empty, it is full of information, millions of pages and documents are there to discover and rediscover at the same time and that's amazing.

We know Coca-Cola as a successful icon of American Business especially in marketing a brand throughout the world, but the Internet is not merely American, it is a global means and actually nobody owns it, in the meantime, the Internet is not seen as one single web site, many many sites and at the same time poeple have made it up. The success of a site can not be considered as the success of the Internet.

We can see the good, the bad and the ugly, within the Internet boundries. Very important is that the Internet has not been tossed from any kind of airplane and clearly here (our country) is not an African one and a desert at all and we are not bushmen! That's why, I believe WE CAN control and manage it by not calling it an EVIL thing!

We are full of history, culture, literature, philosophy and even science and technology. That's why we have the power to take advantage of it as a good container for the years ahead and for our own materials.

At present, I see my fellow Iranians are using the Internet as a means of information resource and communication and that is interesting. About two years ago, I wrote in a magazine here about the history and first steps as well as the status of cybercafes, and today I see them growing and finding popularity among our people in a very rapid way and that's the way it goes and let's say the Internet has come to and is here to stay.

For those of us who can not manage the time and appetite for the Internet and to avoid any kind of Cyberspace Addiction, it is recommended to use a Diet Internet just like a Diet Coke! :-) Imagine that the said Coca-Cola bottle was not empty in that movie, bushmen had to try it first, could they tell from? what differences and also similarities could you find between these two, the Internet and the bottle? A web site can also be studied as a bottle, how well can we market its content - products and services? The shape of that bottle, here is the idea of designing, does it matter to be professionally?

This article first published electronically as an editorial of WWN - February 5 2000.

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