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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

are more than 20 years old, this shows How historical the site is ...

Thinking Can Keep us Going!
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

You must know him. The greatest astrophysicist and scientist of our time. His body - on a wheelchair - does not obey him. He can only move the ends of his fingers. With a robot that speaks for him in a computerized voice, Stephen Hawking is still in a great form. Why? Because it is THINKING that keeps him going.

You must know him. The greatest astrophysicist and scientist of our time. His body - on a wheelchair - does not obey him. He can only move the ends of his fingers. With a robot that speaks for him in a computerized voice, Stephen Hawking is still in a great form. Why? Because it is THINKING that keeps him going. Hawking is now the public image of HOPE and NEW IDEAS. I dedicated this editorial to this topic because as far as I know, a long time ago, doctors gave Hawking only a year to live and thanks God, I am now writing about the great living scientist and thinker of our time. With his works and Thinking, he has given a world of hope and courage to us, the citizens of the globe.

Why I am writing this? Last week one of my friends emailed and advised me to: "Stop WEBFAQT for Heaven's sake!" he wrote to me, " ... You may keep this (WEBFAQT) going perhaps only for a month or a year, so you are wasting your time, nobody needs your Weekly News ..." . I only sent him a reply: "Thinking can keep us going! In WEBFAQT, I will think about your advice! and ... "

By moving just the ends of my own fingers on this keyboard and writing this editorial for our WWN Iranian readers in different countries, I just want to say: "Let's think for a better and value-added new idea! Let's think for a greater achievement. Let's think for a wider web site. Let's think for a bigger new domain name, the domain of ideas. Let's think creatively and move forward." In WEBFAQT we always welcome your views and criticisms.

This Article published first electronically as an editorial of WWN September 18 1999.

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