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Taban Khajehnassiri

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Manage Your Time to Create a Success Story
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

Manage your time to increase your visibility, to network better and faster, to find the path to success and to create just another success story: Your own success!

At Webfaqt.com, I have tried to write about the ways by which we can increase our visibility to the markets we are dealing with. I have written a number of articles and participated in meetings with those who have a hand in the IT and/or Non IT industries, and I have received a great feedback from my own readers. However, it is somehow, sometimes unpredictable and unfortunate at the same time that we learn our market(s) have not yet fully understand what we do offer or can do for them with our products and services especially in our country, Iran. I can see this as yet another failure (or better to say effort) in our marketing/promotional measures. Our prospects are still testing our forms, not placing any orders or even requesting for more information for a given product or services. Online, our prospects are in chats with friends or relatives more often rather than searching the net for reports, tables, statistics and in general the information they'll need to make decisions. In another word, I see they are wasting most of their time online. Visibility is not merely dealing with those who have a website on the net, it covers all those people who have access to the net. I have said this before that we need networking, online or offline, to build up yet another success story. If you manage your time, if you set your goals, meet with right people online/offline, that's OK, that's when you can participate in chat rooms with a goal in mind, a managed time at hand, to find someone with the know-how you are searching for, searching the net to learn more, or to find something, or even to buy something, you can create and even tell others yet another success story, yes your own success story. But believe me, you have to make the first step to introduce yourself, to let others find you if you are merely a buyer or consumer. Trust people on and off the Internet first to let them trust you. It takes time to build up mutual cooperations and relationships online/offline anyway that's why it is better to initiate at once.

Remember this, when you are online, visibility applies to you as well. Marketing your products and services need gaining a true vision, first from your own business and then from your own niche market, your own prospects and potential clients. We are all trying for this part within our strategies.

I believe in successful people and I believe in the fact too that successful people have a personal power - as Anthony Robins says - to be decisive, ambitious, motivated, focused, and have intense work ethics and have the ability of attracting the right people. We can find them in the right places if we feel the same personal power inside and from the bottom of our hearts. You don't need to be the smartest or the most popular person, but you do need to be willing to use that personal power sometimes to make critical desicions, and work smartly, and find yourself among the right and successful people. In our WAE-Zine Newsletter I have tried to find those successful persons around the world and introduce them to our subscribers.

I hope you find yourself there among these people online or offline.

Reading success stories gives you a great feeling, the feeling of the people with Persistence, Positive attitudes and never giving up, those who have reached their goals. I believe that the feeling has a great power and gives you more confidence, more influence, more desire and determination.

To be successful, you need no intelligence, you just have to be more decisive, more ambitious, more initiative, more motivated and focused. Along the way, you need gaining confidence and believing in yourself that you can just do it.

To succeed you just have to keep on improving your personal powers (as Anthony Robbins says in his Personal Power), your personal abilities. You have to know, realize and understand yourself and your goals too, your weaknesses as well as your special talents. You need models, look for those who reached their goals, learn and apply their methods and strategies.

What is Time Management anyway? I believe it is an important aspect of our lives that we have to master it one way or another, and I see this as the most important path towards success that we shall take. I believe the key to effective time management is understanding it fully and at the same time having a plan to observe it functioning. You have to communicate your plans to others specially those people working with or for you in business, even your family members, frineds and relatives. Yes, time management can bring you success if you pay a great deal attention to its rules and regulations as well as the plans you have prepared for yourself. For a great plan of managing your time you have to focus on the important things, put first things First, as Covy says, and based on your goals move forward to do something that is appropreiate and required, don't procrastinate things that you have to do now. Manage and control interruptions especially phone calls and unexpected visitors, it is a self discipline I believe, you can manage and control your habits. Remember that a 'closed door' policy is a good thing for sure. Sometimes you need your time only for yourself to be alone, to think, to relax, to decide then go back to work, work smarter not necessarily harder. You need to throw out irrelevant thoughts or even bits of paper or notes on your working table. Believe me, managing your time is managing your own money.

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