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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

are more than 20 years old, this shows How historical the site is ...

On(line) This Magic Carpet
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

This article first published as the editorial of WWN, April 15, 2000. Thoughts and dreams of a man transformed the history of mankind on this planet.

I can show you the World (Wide Web)!

For the history of mankind, it has been recognized as a significant moment, a moment really out of a dream, a dream of a science-fiction author who first used the term "cyberspace" - William Gibson in his book "Neuromancer". - And now, I am writing about something that is almost eleven years old, the World Wide Web, a large library of (online) resources available to the world's computer and Internet users, developed by a british computer scientist at the CERN research center near Geneva in 1989.

Yes, again, thoughts and dreams of a man transformed the history of mankind on this planet. We, Now, easily navigate through information resources available on the WWW with the aid of various programs written by other scientists mostly we know them as teams working under a brand, a logo or a guiding consortium for instance, Microsoft(*) or Netscape(*) or those who made the WWW's further development possible at MIT. After more than a decade, now, the World Wide Web is also a large business marketplace.

People can now buy and sell things and even thoughts and new ideas online and it is really great to see people communicate via the Internet, search and research on the net, view and review the Internet, but sometimes, with regrets, we see them waste their time, kill their time on the web surfing junk pages. I believe this is not what Gibson dreamed and Timothy Berners-Lee developed.

Perhaps it is true that scientists do not want to spend their golden time and invest and all their financial supports on nightmares. But unfortunately you just can name it, anything evil dot com when you are online, and there it is available on the web, leading you not to the heaven but somehow to the hell of the web. It is sad, I know and so sad, but it is true. Let us build and maintain the world wide web a clean and better place to surf.
(*) All brands, products and services referenced here in webfaqt.com are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

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