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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

are more than 20 years old, this shows How historical the site is ...

A Very Important Person
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

The article presented as the editorial of BIPTipsForVIPs (One of the newsletters we send out to VIPs in Iran) in Sep 11, 2000.

A very important person has the key to success and effectiveness everywhere he/she goes.

I strongly believe that today's net users, web sites owners and webmasters can be a VIP as well. But in this path, these persons must think, act and move ahead just like those successful entrepreneurs recognized by people of the world and the media. Characteristics of these persons are very clear.

Studies show that VIPs are all optimists by nature (Or they have tried to be so), To them everything is possible and achievable, they won't look back, they just keep going ahead and move forward, with hands full of confidence and self-esteem and courage. Wherever they go, they receive hero's welcome. VIPs must have big plans for everything, must be think tanks, with heads full of solutions and they are mindful of problems.

They see and do everything as a project, they are mindful of feedback and they are always gathering useful information.

One important thing is that not many people have their home phone number, but studies show that interested people will contact them anyway saying: "You know ... I saw your picture in the morning paper and read your interview ... That was great ... I wanted to say ..." or "Let me start this way... I watched you last night on TV, I wanted to talk about a new project we have and etc..." - Very Important Persons have now a new media, the Internet, they have a web site on the net and people find them easily, contact them anyway and VIPs attract deals like pop singers and rock stars draw fans for their new albums.

In the real life, taxi drivers refuse to take your money, if they find out you are a very important person. You must try to build such a picture from yourself by thinking, acting and moving ahead just like a true VIP. Then, the promised success is yours and the gates are looking forward to welcome you with respect and love.

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