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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

are more than 20 years old, this shows How historical the site is ...

Under Construction Or We Are Thinking About It ...
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

First published in WWN MAY 13, 2000. A wealth of information, statistics and surveys on how to start, maintain and promote a web site are really needed and we have to act on them effectively. We also need to be patient about the success of our web presence and look forward to new opprtunities.

Unavoidably, we are now entering a period of major competition on finding more and/or new visitors for our web sites. In the age of information, communications and new technologies, the trouble may start when we may not be able to achieve our basic goals from developing our web sites. Past methods in marketing, sometimes fail when we try to apply them on the Internet.

Yes, being online and marketing a product or a given service via a web site on the net need consistant and hard work. A wealth of information, statistics and surveys on how to start, maintain and promote a web site are really needed and we have to act on them effectively.

We also need to be patient about the success of our web presence and look forward to new opprtunities. These are all very important in today's techniques of finding new markets for our products and services. Naming some of the main and major factors, I can say that conducting prfessional designs and layouts as well as keeping the site updated, looking for new methods in marketing and benefiting from media ad campaigns are a must inevitably. I know that these editorials must be brief and easy to read, but sometimes it somehow requires introductions prior to the main topic.

Two or three years ago, I read an article about new methods of marketing in the United States, it was all about the idea that "let's survey and market a product first and prior to its production, then if it proved to be successful, let's make it on demand." Somehow, I remember that I had heard about it as an old japanese way of marketing a product (or a service). Recently, I have noticed that some of our fellow iranian companies (it is better not to name them) has initiated a promotional (ad) campaign on the media for their web sites prior to even building the site itself and setting it up online.

To me, it was also intersting and I wanted to know your views in this regard so I ask you: Does it work for a web business? Isn't it like issuing tickets for passengers before building (or buying) an airplane? We are waiting for your comments and views. I think it depends but you write on what...

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