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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

are more than 20 years old, this shows How historical the site is ...

With Eyes Wide Zoomed
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

First published in WWN November 13, 1999. The brief note points to 'ATTITUDE'.

Today I was in a hospital in Tehran, not as a patient. In a ward, I noticed and zoomed a beautiful poster on the wall displaying a drop of water falling down in the contact with the surface of water showing some wave rings around. At the bottom of that picture, there was a single phrase in bold starting with the word 'ATTITUDE', 'making a big difference'.

It was something beautiful and shockingly meaningful at the same time.

Wow, what a coincidence! I was just thinking of the word 'attitude' as a topic to write about in this edition of WWN's editorial to bring up a fact that we do need the support of our readers and subscribers.

In our list, we do have many webmasters, web page designers and sysops subscribed, but to this date, received no news and no views from their respectful side. Regarding WWN's main goal, I am not going to give it up!

I have to find and see the 'attitudes' of WWN's readers and subscribers who are at the top of this activity in WWN's profile with the Eyes Wide Zoomed.

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