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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

are more than 20 years old, this shows How historical the site is ...

Put yourself in my place!
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

First published in WWN November 27, 1999. The brief note wants you to pick up a little fortune by using and mastering English Language.

Considering the kind of devoted service our Iranian highschools and private institutes give their students to be able to read and write in English as a second language, it is somehow wonder we encounter educated people (here with diploma) showing real difficulties with communicating in English.

It is almost a fact and a real need to be fluent in English when you are living on-line on the Internet. And once again, yet here's your chance to take advantage of this weekly newsletter to communicate your thoughts and views with other Iranian friends. The fact I decided to dedicate this editorial to English language is that last week I received an email - a confusing one - from one of our subscribers in persian saying: "What are these weekly news about?!!" :)

At that time I had no convincing reply to that question but offering 'an unsubscribe' command to that dear Guest of the list! And once I said to myself: "That is a good question!" I am sure you are with me now how important English language is in this era. And you know that I could send this newsletter in Persian as an attached file but I decided to write it in English first for myself to practice more (Next year, in Aug 2000, we intend to start an International Newsletter - so it is a must to get prepared and ready) and second to prepare an English media as a weekly classroom for those who want to communicate in English.

In the process, I recommend our readers to pick up a little fortune by using and mastering English Language. You know Khalil Gibral. He couldn't be so much famous in the world if he didn't publish 'The Prophet' in English. The same may be true for Kia Rostami's motion pictures if he insisted on Persian language and with no translation, no subtitles. Last week, renowned Kia Rostami received his 50th International Award because he WAS (is) a GREAT Director, but an international one recognized internationally.

Yes, once again, here's your chance to show us how you feel and let us know what you think about it. In WWN, we want to reach more readers and more subscribers. What should we do? Let us know... What kind of Iranian web sites do you like to visit and know more about? Which of our WWN's sections interests you more? "News and Reports"? "Management Tips"? "Webway"?

If you were in my place as the editor of WWN, what sections would you add to this Newsletter? Covering what kind of topics? Let us know and let us move foreward. Webfaqt Weekly News is yours and that is the whole idea of this editorial. Sorry for the long long editorial.

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