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Some of these articles By
Taban Khajehnassiri

are more than 20 years old, this shows How historical the site is ...

Again That Uneasy Feeling on the Web
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

First published in WWN October 09, 1999. Visiting heavy loaded pages with lots of texts and images in the main page brings you that uneasy feeling again on the web that is WAITING.

I have to cross my fingers and enter the address of an Iranian web site on the net! Personally I find it hard to imagine that the Iranian webmasters care for the viewers.

Why? Here is the answer: Visiting heavy loaded pages with lots of texts and images in the main page brings you that uneasy feeling again on the web that is WAITING. It takes too much time to load a page full of large and heavy images on the net. As far as I know, there is a given waiting threshold for each and every human working with (computers and electronic devices in general) the Internet and when a page takes too much time loading in a browser, it means you have ignored that waiting threshold of your viewer, and the visitor will surely push the "stop" button and remove your site from his/her bookmarks and that is inevitable.

That uneasy feeling increases when we have crossed our fingers but load a page taking more than our overall waiting threshold. If it is really required to use large and heavy images in a web page, please inform your viewers before moving on to the page or while the page is loading.

Another thing that I would like to mention here is that it is good for the (Iranian) Internet users to know about the updates and changes on your site. Please inform local, national and/or international related newspapers, magazines or mailing-lists like our WWN about your newly added pages or information. Such actions will surely reduce that uneasy feeling - again on the web!

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