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Taban Khajehnassiri

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On The Last SERP?
By: Taban Khajehnassiri

Understand the whole process of running your website by taking part in Taban Khajeh Nassiri seminar: Getting your website up and running in 7 easy-to-understand steps!

Sometimes I see we all love to bring up excuses to justify our actions and behaviors. When we have to make an appropriate decision or when have to do something that we are somehow required to do, we simply put ourself in a situation that is basically the same comfort zone we have used to it somehow, someway: It is the easiest way to do nothing but criticize the whole situation, the whole universe, the bad economy, weak managements and say nothing but "I'm too tired... I'm ill, I'm busy...I don't have enough time," or the best of them all, "I just can't!"

Understanding the whole process is a must if you are managing a company, running a business offline or online, running a website on the Internet or working with your child for the next day exam.

Let's stand back and take a good look at ourselves: Perhaps we're afraid of not understanding the whole situation, we're afraid of not being able to afford and pace with competitors or even simply paying the bills, change or we're afraid to start something totally new or we're simply lazy.

However, it is easy to understand the whole process and situation: Running a website on the net requires you to understand that it is totally different from what you know of in the real world.

Strategical Marketing of a website on the net is not a simple task. You need time, you need money, you need hard work but you need to be smart, to work smarter and wiser. All these years, I have learned this simple step to take: Strategy is the king not the content by itself! With strategial moves we have been successful not simply to make money but to understand the whole process of building up, running and marketing a given website on the Internet. Building up mutual trust on the net takes time, however, you can fill your site with content, unrelated and not needed, over night!

Go ahead! Let them build your web presence Free of charge, over night! We sit back and relax watching you and your site on the last SERP!

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